
Motion, Emotion and Lust

Saturday, November 5, 2011

He's first one-person drawing exhibition took place when he was only 12 years old. Now when he's over 50, he had enough time to think over the nature of creativity, of art, of photography, of the place which all these kinds of activity take in our life. Tried working in different spheres of creativity, he has been occupied with photography for more than 25 years.
Experimenting constantly,  pushing he's own limits further while taking photographs, and the spectators – while showing them. These experiments are not the attempt to prove his  originality, but a special internal need in development and movement forward.
He explains: "I consider a creative process to be the most important manifestation of human nature. Creativity is a process of harmonization of the visual environment at all its levels – physical, moral, energetic. While creating works of art in any form of creativity, a person develops spiritually himself/herself and through the results of his/her creativity influences the people who have the art of creativity understanding.
The main purpose of my work in the sphere of photography is finding out a sensual component but not the formal one. To my mind, in the perception of a photograph the leading part is played by the image energy, but not a form or decoration. That is why I photograph people a lot; such photos include a lot of emotions, emotional states, sensuality.
Alongside with studio work, I take a lot of pictures during trips and travels. My creative work turns out to be especially fruitful during the trips with my loved one. In this case my journey photographic stories are more sincere, and the photographs are more lively and emotional.
I am a member of the Union of Photography Artists of Russia and the Creative Union of Artists. I have my own photo studio and Creative Photography School."

Pavel Kiselev - Official Site
Pavel Kiselev @ Art Limited
Pavel Kiselev @ Photo Sight
Pavel Kiselev @ Deviant Art


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Definitively NOT SUITABLE FOR FALSE PURITANS. This is a mosaic of sensuality, arts, eroticism and emotions. Viewers of this blog must be 18 years of age or older. All images, unless otherwise noted, were taken from the Internet and are assumed to be in the public domain. In the event that there is still a problem or error with copyrighted material, the break of the copyright is unintentional and noncommercial and the material will be removed immediately upon presented proof.