We use to eulogize the photographers, but mainly we forget about the models. And it’s not quite fair especially when we’re talking about (art) nudes and fashion photography, because what actually attract us are the models. The set arrangements, the lights, the colors and everything you can think of are quite important and I do not intent to under estimate the technical knowledge and artistic values of the photographers, but without the proper models they work would be possible.
A good photography is the action which must lead to reaction. Beauty is a relative and vague notion, a matter of perception, we have different reactions to the same stimulus.
I think when we’re talking about a model, what it’s really matter is the expression, the naturalness, what she (or he) may transmit, what feelings she might wake, stir up in us.
We prefer different colors, different perfumes, different tastes and different forms. There’s no such thing as “perfect”.
Some says beauty shines from inside, I even recall two lines from Radiohead’s “Creep” which says “I want a perfect body, I want a perfect soul”, but honestly I’m not so sure how much we really care about the soul…
Oksana Shkiryatova got something what we might call spirit. Indoor or outdoor, dressed or naked, she’s lovely even with a bucket on her head.

Born in 08.20.1988 at Saransk and living in Moscow, she said about her self: “I’m an explosive cocktail of inferiority complex and a desperate desire to be the best …” Being involved recently in photography became , now she lives by this passion considering it “an interesting business” and taking part in “some very interesting creative projects”.
Oksana Shkiryatova
Photosight Ru
Contact: chucha_babuchina@mail.ru