Truth hurts. Reality sometimes scratching our eyes and we refuse it, and as it says, we don’t see the forest for the tree. We used to see exclusively perfect bodies, perfect smiles, perfect pearly tooth, obviously fake tits, fake lips and generally speaking, fake beauties. We refuse to accept others as they are because we don’t accept even our self.
But life – reality – it’s not always about perfection and actually it shouldn’t be about it. The true beauty comes from imperfections.

Boris Brul invite us on a trip down to reality, sometimes a grotesque world filled with vivid colors and… ordinary people. People just like us. Boris Brul show us a mirror and draw with subtile humor an exiting universe.
And this world, the stories told by Boris Brul by his pictures are a breathing, very alive and fully human ones. Because sin, temptation, wickedness, filthiness, and well, ugliness are godly parts of the human nature.
But Boris Brul shows also exciting and beautiful women as well and this is only one more proof of the fact that we are beautiful because we are different. And each of his pictures tell us a different story and make us think about the true sparking of the life. Balancing between realism and surrealism, the world of Boris Brul is our world, it show our self and our world as it actually it is, a world of the thin lines between sanity and madness, beauty and ugliness, reality and fiction, tears and laughter, saints and… sinners.
Boris Brul @
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