Who can precisely tell where the dream ends and the nightmare begins? Living in a world divided in black and white, right and wrong, men and women, children and adults, saints and sinners, we mistaken easily reality for perception. We are blinded and we fail to see shades and shadows, we are unable to distinguish a smell from a perfume or notice the unseen. And while there is no line between good and evil only we try to draw one, our life remains stuck on one side or the other of the world. Perhaps half a glass will satisfy your thirst but still, you’ll never know how the other half taste like. And once again, nobody can save you from yourself.
I’m still wondering if what I think I know it’s really what I know or there’s only fragments of what I have been told?
Ekaterina Grigorieva draw or paint what she can’t take picture of. And vice versa. She bring to life an invisible world by giving name to each shadow, by defining every single shade. Sometimes to reveal the most inner secrets it’s possible by only suggesting there is a secret. And Ekaterina use the shadows to dislocate the lights and reveal another universe. Re-rendering the reality leads to another facet of the reality from another visual and emotional perception. And just like the shades and shadows, emotions fulfill Ekaterina’s universe and in the dark everything starts to sparkle, filling the black-colored dots, and the black leaves.
It’s always interesting when a girl – or a woman – taking pictures of another woman. While men are always in a hungry search for any possible traces and sings of eroticism, when a woman take pictures of another woman even the nudity sometimes get a candid charm of innocence. And once again, in Ekaterina’s photos the shadows and emotions plays the main roles. She often show us what must remain unseen by focusing on the darkness and the shadows and hiding the light, the precise contours under the mysterious veils of obscurity. There are hidden portraits of innocence.
The world of Ekaterina may be a dark and gloomy one, but still there is light and sparkling behind every shadow and there are million shades of colors.
Where’s the childhood ends and when we became adults? Well, probably when we start taking our self too seriously and we refuse to play anymore.
Ekaterina Grigorieva on:
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